For Those of Us Who Are Procrastinators

Well, in my last post I was all fired up and ready to go! I was ready to take on the world.


I wrote that post in January. It’s April 5th and I haven’t accomplished that much.

I did declutter and organize my closet, but my clothes are still everywhere.

I bought a goal journal, but I didn’t write anything in it.

I joined a workout class and ate fairly healthy, but I haven’t lost much weight.

Pretty underwhelming.

Then I realized that I did not look at that post for 3 months.
If you do not constantly refer to, live, and breathe your goals it’s just not going to happen.

I’m writing this post for people like me who have grand ideas and most of the time don’t follow them. For people like me who worry ourselves to the point of giving up. For people like me who dream a lot, but accomplish little because of things in and out of our control.

By this time you are saying one of two things:

1. This girl is a self-loathing complainer and I’m done with her.

2. This girl gets me and I understand exactly how she feels.

The Good News:

No matter how many times you fail, you can always keep trying. Yes it’s 3 months later, but my brain baby has come to life. Yes, I haven’t accomplished as much as I would have liked to, but I will ALWAYS keep trying. And so can you…

About Lacadia

Hey! I'm Lacadia. I can't teach you how to contour your face, or tell you about the latest fashion trends. However, I can hopefully make you laugh and feel like you are not alone. I created this blog for the extraordinarily ordinary. For people who need a social space that focuses on being our authentic selves. For those of us who feel drained by the perfection police. My blogging interests are adulting, adventures, food, and natural living. I hope that my brain baby brings a little joy to your day.


  1. Ironman

    Love this one too. at least you came back to it and got your self back on track , many ppl fall by the wayside and quit. you can only be a failure if you quit. What works for me is have many accountability partners, its like having a trainer and going to the gym – if you go alone your probably stop running , doing crunches and push-ups as soon as you get tired or feel the burn but if you go with a partner/trainer you usually push harder beyond your psychological limits!! CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

    • Lacadia

      You are absolutely right! Accountability partners are a great way to accomplish goals. If you know that someone else is rooting for you, working with you, and believing in you it makes the journey easier. I also love that you mentioned psychological limits. A lot of times our mind is the only real barrier to what we can truly accomplish. We think we can’t do something because it’s too hard, unattainable, etc. Therefore we don’t even try before giving up. Thanks for your comment!

  2. The Prince

    GREAT post! Make shows top for a second and think that not everything in life is going to shit. Thanks for taking the time to write this. you never know whose lives you can touch!

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