For Those of Us Seeking Our Purpose

With the holidays coming up some of you might be dreading those awkward family conversations. Auntie so and so starts off innocently enough by asking how school or your job is going. Then your cornered and it spirals out of control to when are you getting married? When are you having kids? When are you going to solve world hunger and…

What are you doing with your life?

Some of you may love your job and be fulfilled by what you have going on in your life…but you still feel unsatisfied, like there is something missing. Or maybe you are pretending to love your job, but you secretly loathe it and come home everyday questioning your life decisions.

I want you to know that where you are right now in your life is EXACTLY where you are supposed to be.

Even if it’s not where you want to be. You may feel like there is a greater calling for your life that you haven’t quite tapped into yet…but how do you figure what that is?

1. Ask God to reveal your purpose to you. Wherever you are in your faith doesn’t matter. God will hear you.

There I was in my last semester of grad school. It was about two in the morning and I was working diligently on this semester long project that was making me question my life all together. Then, I had the most random thought. “You should start a blog”. I stopped typing and literally laughed out loud at how ridiculous that was. Me? The girl who nearly has a panic attack when I have to meet new people? Me? The girl who awkwardly tries to mingle in social situations? Why would I write a blog and who would even care to read it?

I kept working on that project and put that thought on the back burner. It was too late though. The flame in my spirit had already been ignited and I could not ignore it.

2. Pray

Pray to be enlightened. Pray for Him to rid your mind of distractions. To rid your thoughts of insecurity, doubt and hopelessness. To help you to carry out His will for your life. God is not a magician. It will not happen overnight. It will not be easy and you may question whether or not you heard Him correctly. Keep going. In that despair comes discernment. In that despair comes a new life in Him. In that despair you learn to rely on Him. Trust Him.

3. Persevere

I didn’t start my blog until 4 months after I had that thought. I didn’t make it public until 9 months after that thought. I was nervous, scared, and doubtful. However, I knew that this blog was not for me or about me. It was how God wanted me to share my light with the world. To maybe brighten someone’s day. To maybe make someone feel like they aren’t alone. I know that God is going to use this platform for His glory.

Go after your purpose full force, whole heartedly and you will find doors opening and ways being made, and opportunities that you had no idea would manifest for you coming your way. When you find something you love, even if it’s just a hobby, it will build you up from the inside out.

About Lacadia

Hey! I'm Lacadia. I can't teach you how to contour your face, or tell you about the latest fashion trends. However, I can hopefully make you laugh and feel like you are not alone. I created this blog for the extraordinarily ordinary. For people who need a social space that focuses on being our authentic selves. For those of us who feel drained by the perfection police. My blogging interests are adulting, adventures, food, and natural living. I hope that my brain baby brings a little joy to your day.


  1. Saba

    I love this topic 🙂 I myself am struggling with my purpose and what I want to do next. I think to myself “I really want to just go work for a nonprofit but the way my student loans are set up”….. and that is a super sad way to think.
    But you’re totally right about us being exactly where we are supposed to be. Even a boring and mindless job is teaching me lessons I need for later in life (and allowing me to read this and comment while at work).

    • Lacadia

      Girl! The lives we would live if we did not have to worry about student loans lol Actually if you work for a non-profit you could apply for loan forgiveness after ten years so you may be on to something! I was so miserable at my job last year, but I learned so much that has actually helped me at my new job. I so appreciate you taking the time to read and comment!

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