I am devastated. As a highly sensitive person I can only take in small amounts of social media because of these tragic times. I am just so heartbroken. Trying to find the right words to express trauma and explain your thoughts about racial injustice can be difficult and awkward, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t …
For Those of Us That Go to Therapy
I wasn’t really sure how to start this one. Maybe because I haven’t written a blog in a while. Maybe because I wasn’t sure if I should write about this topic at all. Brené Brown talks about needing courage to be vulnerable, so this is me being courageously vulnerable… I used to feel buried, trapped, …
For Those of Us on a Health and Fitness Journey
The pictures above were taken exactly one year apart. New Year’s Eve 2017 and New Year’s Eve 2018. A little (or a lot) bit of a back story: It was just another boring afternoon. I got home from work, plopped down on the couch and scrolled through Instagram. I came across a sponsored ad and …
For Those of Us Who Have Considered Suicide
Flashback to the second semester of my junior year of college. I had just moved back home and decided I would commute to school. My college was about an hour away. All I had to do was take backroads mostly, so I wasn’t concerned about traffic. It was a very rough transition for me. I …
For Those of Us That Hate Our Jobs
Will you spend hours online looking for that dream job? Will you create that project? Will you make those connections? What are you willing to sacrifice for it? Sleep, time, money? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves to truly make a breakthrough in our lives. Maybe you will have to go back to school, maybe you will have to move to a new city, maybe you will have to eliminate your comfort zone. If it’s truly what is important to you, stop at nothing to achieve it. Then and only then will you look back at this time in your life and smile. The struggle was all worth it for the happiness that truly chasing your dreams will bring.
For Those of Us With Nappy Hair
I used to hate my hair. I began my natural hair journey in high school. My mom stopped getting relaxers, and I admired her beautiful loose curls. So, I decided to give it a try myself. Boy was I disappointed when my new growth of kinky hair started coming in. I wanted my hair to …
For Those of Us Setting Goals
Progress and positivity are the focus, not perfection.
Setting goals is about improving your already awesome self. It’s about becoming an even better you. Don’t set goals in the mindset of disappointment and distress. Such as, “I hate my body so I need to lose weight”. Reframe your thought process. “I love myself so I want to be healthy”. Goals are not a one way ticket to being perfect. Focus on the journey just as much as where it is you want to be. Focus on being kind to yourself throughout the process. Ground your aspirations in positivity. A goal can be “I will eat healthy” instead of “I will not eat junk food” . Telling yourself what your not supposed to do will feel more like a chore than a goal
For Those of Us Dealing With Grief
My Pa-Pop The only grandfather I ever knew. The only one I ever needed. His blood was not of my blood, but his heart was of my heart. To know him was to love him. He loved my Mima and his family unconditionally and I aspire to show that kind of love to others. I …
For Those of Us That Have an Inappropriate Relationship with Food
Why am I sharing this now? Because I am ready to stop feeling sorry for myself and make some real changes in my life. Because I am ready to love myself as I am. Because I am ready to feel like I am living and not just existing. Because my life depends on it. Because I don’t want to look back on this time in my life and wish I would have. Because I don’t want to feel like I am living in the shell of a person anymore. Because I want to end this vicious cycle within myself.
For Those of Us Seeking Our Purpose
What are you doing with your life?
Some of you may love your job and be fulfilled by what you have going on in your life…but you still feel unsatisfied, like there is something missing. Or maybe you are pretending to love your job, but you secretly loathe it and come home everyday questioning your life decisions.
I want you to know that where you are right now in your life is EXACTLY where you are supposed to be.
Even if it’s not where you want to be. You may feel like there is a greater calling for your life that you haven’t quite tapped into yet…but how do you figure what that is?